
This is my fanfic page! As you can see, it's growing rather nicely. ^__^ Check the submission rules page and send in something! ^_^

By Aru

Watching Xelloss has a rather one-sided conversation with Zelgadiss.
Thoughts Before Death Just what was going through Phibrizzo's head right before he was killed by L-sama?...

By Shelley Rix

Mutability Actually the third in a series, a Lina/Xelloss sap fic. Expect the first two parts up whenever they're sent to me.

By MeowthMix

Slayers Soap Opera A very funny spin off of pretty much any soap, starring the Slayers!

By ThresherII

Second Chances Answers the question "What happens to Valgaav after Slayers TRY?" Some Filia-Gaav sappy stuff at the end.
Don't Make Me Say Goodbye A short, sad fic where two of the mainstay characters die. You'd be surprised who kills them.
I Wanna Be Your Everything A funny song fic starring Xelloss and Filia. Feeling blue after reading "Don't Make Me Say Goodbye"? Then read this! ^_^

By Jeremy Credo

Gourry's Revenge All of the Slayers gang have been killed except Gourry, and now he wants revenge! He's so serious, he even drops the idiot act. O.o Whoa... Anyways, this is the first three chapters.

By Alison Didzena

Card Captor Sylphiel It's Card Captors, starring Sylphiel! It might make a bit more sense if you've seen a couple episodes of CC Sakura.

By Sir Blaze

Slayers Yet Again- Chapter 1 The Slayers group is back again! Valgaav, look how much you've grown since we last saw you! :P And what's this? Gaav is back?!! Merriment and mayhem as the Slayers take the stage!
Slayers Yet Again #2! Xelloss adds his own special ingredient to a meal that turns everyone insane!! And beware the Bondage Queen of Darkness, for she has taken up... white magic? Watch out, Xellass, Gaav knows exactly what you're up too...
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