
What's Slayers?

Gee golly gosh Aunt Aru, I've heard of this thing called Slayers! What's it all about?
Sit my child, and I shall share with you my immense knowledge of the wonder of Slayers.

Slayers is a story of Dragons vs. Demons, light against darkness, good against evil. Humans, the fine gray line between darkness and light, are constantly pushed and pulled one way or another in the continuing struggle for the world. The race is manipulated by both sides in an attempt to throw over the other.

Enter Lina Inverse, a young sorceress, bandit killer and self proclaimed sorcery genius. As the story unfolds, this girl proves a valuable ally for the side of good. She refuses to join with the side of the demons, though she does associate herself with some along her journey. She has immense power and the ability to cast Nightmare magic, which calls upon L-sama. Her strength has given her the ability to destroy several demons, along with two generals under Shabaringdo and a dark lord from a different universe.

Now just what is a Dark Lord, and who is Shabaranigdo? Well, to answer that, we go back to the creation of the four worlds. L-sama (the Lord of Nightmares), the all powerful and Lord of the Sea of Chaos, created four different worlds, balanced on four different staves thrust into the Sea of Chaos. On the Slayers world she created three specific species. These are:

The Demons

The Dragons

And the Humans, to be manipulated by either side.

After creating the three races, L-sama withdrew and allowed the demons and dragons to fight for the planet, occasionally using the humans. Black and white magic originates from the two sides. Hence, demons are the masters of dark magic, and dragons of white. Humans can use one or both of the magic types, calling upon the power of mazoku (demons) to cast dark magic, or ryuuzuku (dragons) to cast healing and defensive spells. However, they can't cast either magic as well as the side it originated from, and the opposite side can't cast the magic at all (demons can't cast white, and dragons can't cast dark). However, there are some humans gifted with special power, these are called Knights. While in the series it is never told who the Knight of Shabaranigdo, the Knight of Ceiphid is Luna Inverse, Lina's sister. She can cast magic with the strength of a dragon.

Of course, L-sama created leaders for the two sides. One is Shabaranigdo, also known as Lord Ruby-Eye (this is what the mazoku normally call him). The lord of the dragons is known as Ceiphid, also known as the Flare Dragon God. Now the goal of Mazoku is to return the planet to the Sea of Chaos. The dragon's goal is to prevent this. The two sides are perfectly balanced, so one side never gains more control than the other. ANYWAYS.

Slayers focuses on the travels of Lina Inverse. As she goes through the Slayers world, she encounters different enemies from the demon race, who wish to have Lina join them and help destroy the world. The dragons come in starting in Slayers NEXT, where one golden dragon shows Lina the Claire Bible. They really come in Slayer TRY, though. We learn more about the continuous war between demon and dragon, and meet several people who prove invaluable.

Gourry Gabriev
The Idiot...

Zelgadiss Greywers
The Determined...

Amelia wil Tesla de Seyruun
The Manic...

Yes, and even Filia and Xelloss, the dragon and the demon.
Happy Boy and Mace Girl

These people all help her out in some way over the course of Slayers.

There are three different seasons of slayers, Slayers (first) Slayers NEXT (second) and Slayers TRY. New characters and magic are introduced in each season, as well as a different plot. Each season takes place roughly a year after the preceding one, so the characters on THIS show actually age! *Collective gasp* I know! It's unbelievable! The plot isn't to hard to follow, but the show itself has it's amusing parts, it's sad parts, and it's "I'm really pissed off and gonna kill you now" parts.

Now let's see here, what else is there to explain about Slayers? Well, not a whole lot. That's the basic rundown of what it's all about. If you want more information, there's always the Biographies section, and I'll have a rundown of all three of the series sometime soon. If there's anything you feel I'm missing, go ahead and e-mail me at arushinchu@hotmail.com.

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