BEHOLD! I finally have fanart! YES! *big bright happy grin* SO! Maybe now that I have some fanart, it will motivate you people to stand up, prance before a piece of paper while chanting to the drawing gods (not that there are any...), and send in whatever turns up!
Lina casting magic A picture of Lina beginning to cast a magic spell. By Aaryess.
Mazoku in Pajamas Xelloss, Valgaav, and Gaav in their pajamas. Cute! By ThresherII
Chibi Xelloss The title of the art says it all! also by ThresherII
Timeless Classics- Xelloss & Zelgadiss Xelloss the Flirt and a blushing Zelgadiss. By Linnet Yotaka
Can't Catch Me! Prepare to die! I can see Filia saying that in this picture as she chases Xelloss. ^__^ By Kim
More Lina Magic Goodness NEW! Lina casting magic. It burns! It burns! By Kelsey.
To Our Favorite Lazy Web Mistress NEW! The first person to actually up and tell me I'm a lazy webmistress. ^^; Yeah, I know what was going through your mind when you were drawing this, Kelsey.