Thanks much to for putting up pictures of me from Sakuracon Name: Aru (Real Name? Sore wa himitsu desu! ^^)
Sex: Female
Birthday: July 2
Species: Otaku. Is that human? Yeah...
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Location: Port Orchard, WA
Fave color: Red (And yet you don't see much red on this site compared to blue and gray... huh.)
Fave song: Bring Me To Life by Evanescence
Fave anime: Slayers, Trigun
Fave anime chara: Xelloss, Vash
Pets: 4 cats

I know the first thing you're gonna say. "Hey, that picture is of your back!" Very astute observation. I don't feel like putting my face up online for all to see. Well, technically, that's not true since there are some front shots of me from Sakura Con online (^^), but you're going to have to find them yourself! So for now you must be satisfied with a back shot of me in my Xelloss costume from Sakura Con 2003 (Shameless plug: Go to Sakura Con 2004!).

So you might be wondering, how did I get into anime? Well, it started way back when the pokemon craze first hit the U.S. Yes, I'm not ashamed to admit it. C'mon, a lot of people were probably first exposed to anime when pokemon showed up. Back then I was... I dunno, 8? 9? 9 sounds right. Anyways, Pokemon was my first exposure to anime. I obsessed over it like a good little child when exposed to ultra-cute fighting machines. Technically, Slayers came after that, but I only got to se the first tape and so wasn't interested in it until a while later, this is roughly the same time I got a chance to see Evangelion. Dragon ball came after that. I stuck with that for another couple years before I truly discovered the magic that is Slayers. A year after that I found Trigun. Then seven months later I had a brief but intense obsession with Yugioh (anyone want to buy some cards? I've got cards!). Generally, I go through an obsessed period with each anime I get into. I still enjoy Slayers, Trigun, and Eva, but have lost interest in Pokemon, Dragonball, and Yugioh.

Do I draw? Yes. Do I draw well? .......No comment. I AM, however, working on my drawing skills and intend to make a web comic someday.

On to a few more personal things. I'm employed as a cook at the Rodeo Drive In Theater, where I also live. We had a really bad mothe infestation last year. Due to that, I now despise the little flutter bugs and destroy every moth caterpillar within range. Another problem is, I live right beside a rather large stretch of trees, so we also get ladybugs around the house occasionally. Stupid, smelly bugs. I kill them with vacuums, DIE! *smack, er, suck!* I have lived in Washington all my life and plan on going to college after I graduate from Kings West (my high school). Which college I haven't decided yet.

So why the s/n Aru? Well, it all started when I was obsessed with Dragonball... as you may or may not know, each dragonball has it's own name. I considered making my screen name Sushinchu (I believe that's what it was), after the 1st star dragonball, but I decided I didn't like that and opted for the name of the 2nd star dragonball, Arushinchu. Later on, I shortened it to Aru. You may wonder why I hang onto the name though I don't like Dragonball anymore. Well, I think Aru is a good s/n and not many people are going to connect Aru with Arushinchu (unless they knew me before I shortened it, connect it with my e-mail address, or know the names of the dragonballs, but I don't think many of the mainstream fans do).

Video games! Who doesn't like video games? Don't answer that or I'll have to throw something at you. Anyways, I prefer RPGs. Mostly because no one else at my house plays video games much, so I have to content myself to one player games. I like Super Smash Brothers and SSB:Melee, though. I am a master of that game. My friends always try to make me be some character other than Fox, 'cause that's who I usually am. It's almost as much fun beating complete strangers at SSB during Sakura Con than it is destroying my friends when they try to gang up on me. Almost. ^_^ Current systems owned are SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, GB, and GBC. If you understood all those acronyms, congratulations! You're a gamer! ^^

And that's about it for now. If I can think of anything else about myself that I want you people to know, I'll probably post it several months from now.