Gourry Gabriev
Seiyuu- Matsumoto Yasunori
Also Known As- Swordsman of Light, Jellyfish, Jellyfish Brains
First Appears- Slayers episode 1: Angry? Lina's Furious Dragon slave!
Known Relatives- Rowdy Gabriev Race- Human
Age-Early 20's
Eyes- Blue
Hair- Blonde
Clothing- Can we say blue, here, folks? Gourry wears a dark blue chest plate above a light blue shirt, light blue pants, blue shoulder and thigh guards, blue gloves, heck, the only things that aren't blue are his belt and the trim on the sleeves of his light blue shirt. The belt's brown and the trim's tan.

       Not many shows have a ditzy male playing one of the leads. Slayers does. Meet Gourry Gabriev, Jellyfish of the Slayers world. With his Hikari no Ken in one hand and the other hand attempting to fend off Lina who's trying to steal the thing, Gourry stands for all things right, worth protecting, and... all things thick-headed. Don't get me wrong, though. Gourry has his occasional bursts of brillance that startle people. Just watch the episode where everyone finds out Xelloss is a Mazoku if you don't believe me.

       Gourry is a loyal person. He stays with Lina throughout the entire Slayers series, from first episode to last. He even allows himself to get dressed in drag and put into a jellyfish costume. Though he didn't mind the costume as much as the drag. He is also extrememly forgetful, making him look stupid and giving him the nickname "Jellyfish" by Lina. He can also be very serious, such as the times when the lives of his friends are on the line or when someone he cares very much for does something that scares him.

       Gourry carries with him the legendary Hikari no Ken (that's Sword of Light), which slew the Great Beast Zanaffar (a beast rumored to nearly rival Lord Ruby Eye in power). Gourry's very skilled with a sword, and he's also very possessive of the one he owns. The only times he allowed Lina to use the blade were when she had to cast the Giga Slave (in other words, only twice). Thus, he was not very happy when the sword had to be taken away from him forever at the end of Slayers TRY.

       Gourry's past isn't spoken of much in Slayers, but his great-grandfather makes an appearance in Slayers Gorgeous. In Slayers Gorgeous, he tries to defeat a Mazoku named Joyrock in the past, and fails. Lina helps him out. How can Lina be alive to interact with the child? Simple. She interacted with adult Rowdy through her dreams, and he eventually showed up in person and transported her to the past to help his child self. Later on he passed the Hikari no Ken on to his child, who passed it on to his child, who passed it on to Gourry. Hmmmmmmmm... I wonder if Lina knows more about Rowdy than Gourry knows?

       Getting back on subject, what else can we say about Gourry? Well, he's always hit by fireballs or pummeled by Lina. This is because he continually reminds her of her short stature and small breasts. You'd think he'd learn... But this is Gourry we're talking about. He also has a near bottomless appetite, much like Lina. And, much like Lina, Gourry looks downright scary when he's starved for a week. As said before, he's very loyal. So much so that he risked his life to save Lina from the Lord of Nightmares. L-sama, people. How many people are going to be brave or stupid enough to go against the will of L-sama to save the person they love? This intrigues L-sama, that two people would love each other so much that one would risk the world and the other would risk an eternity of torture just to save each other. So she lets Lina and Gourry both leave that battle unscathed.