Amelia Wil Tesla de Seyruun
Seiyuu- Suzuki Masami
Also Known As- The Crazy Justice Freak
First Appears- Slayers episode 11: Knock Out! The Seyruun Family Fued!
Known Relatives- Prince Phil (father), Randy (uncle), Christopher (uncle, Alfred's father), Alfred (cousin)
Race- Human
Age- 14 in slayers, 15 in NEXT, 16 in TRY
Eyes- Blue
Hair- Black
Clothing- White shirt with pink trim, white pants, light green boots, a white cape with light purple inside, a black belt, a pink rabbit's foot attached to the belt, and talismans with pentagrams on them.

       Amelia is the justice-obsessed princess of Seyruun. Her father is the crown prince of Seyruun, Philonel (Phil for short). Over the course of Slayers and NEXT, there are two counts of attempted asassanation against her father, against which she fights. Her obsession with justice was probably started by her father, seeing as he is just as crazy as her. When they're together, you can expect a full-blown justice speech.

       Amelia first enters the show when she tries to help a person about to be robbed by a bandit. She quickly shows how clumsy she is, but her magic abilities make up for that, seeing as how she took the bandit out entirely by magic (two spells). She meets Gourry after that, and hires him to help her find her father. She does find him, and at the end of that particular episode of Slayers ends up blowing up the cave she found him in.

       Amelia can easily get on everyone's nerves with her speeches about justice, love, and peace. However, these speeches are a powerful tool against the Mazoku. Mazoku thrive on negative emotions, and Amelia is just one big bundle of happy "life is wonderful"-ness. For example, in NEXT she nearly knocks Xelloss out when she sings "life is wonderful" over and over again along with Gourry and Zelgadiss. Ah, the megaphone is a powerful weapon. ^_^ Before doing that, she had tried to convince Xelloss to say it by himself over and over again before going to bed every night, but since that of course didn't work (or else Xelloss would've been a lot weaker the next time we saw him), she took matters into her own hands.

        On to family, now. It rumored that Amelia's sister, the crown princess of Seyruun, is Naga the Serpent. This could very well be, seeing as how no one knows who Naga's parents are, and there are some similarities between her and Amelia. Bad luck seems to follow Amelia's family like a stray dog. Two asassanation attempts, and the crown princess vanishing. The first attempt was by Randy, one of Amelia's uncles. He allied with a sorceror, but they were both killed in the blast resulting from when two fireballs met in the cave they were in. The second was when Alfred, Amelia's cousin, allied with two Mazoku to try and kill Phil. In the end, Alfred was killed by the Mazoku. Do you recognize Alfred's voice? If you don't, you should. It's Akira Ishida, Xelloss' seiyuu! And then there's Amelia's talent at getting in trouble and needing to be rescued. But she doesn't need rescuing TOO often, and is a valuable member to the group she travels with.